Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I was in the mood to go out shopping today and was glad I did. I actually found a few bargains and a few Christmas presents to boot!
Thought I would show you a few of the bargains I found.

I thought this little black and white jacket was adorable, and it was on the clearance rack at Target! Guess who it's for?!

Fall flags were on clearance at Michael's. I couldn't pass this one up as it is by Mary Englebreit. I love her pictures! Not a good picture as the sun was shining directly at me.

Macy's had their clearance purses with 50% off the clearance price. I also had several coupons that I had gotten in the mail, so when I checked out the clerk used 3 coupons including one $20.00 off, so I got these purses for next to nothing! The girls can fight over these when they come home for Thanksgiving...if they don't want them I guess I will keep all three:)

I finally remembered to go to Joanne's and pick up 2 zippers so I can mend you know who's skirts! Now if I can just remember to mend them! hehe

I found the salt and pepper shakers that match my dishes I bought a year or so ago. They were marked way down. Not sure yet if I like them, though. I think they look like milk jugs!

Some Wilton sprinkles for our Christmas baking.

And now the other 2 purses from Macy's. I can never get the pictures in the order I want. These are Fossil purses.

OK, Amanda, I traded in Ella's antlers for a pair that actually light up. They were the last pair, too.

And a new bowl for Ella from Dollar Tree.

Woops, another flag picture. Couldn't get if off of here.


Emily said...

Awww, that jacket is adorable! I like the S&P shakes. They're cute. The flag is nice too.

Angela said...

Wow . . . lots of bargains! Wish I was there to go shopping with you.

Amanda said...

i like the purses. i love purses. i am excited. ella's antlers. YAY! such a cutie.